GPT Math Domain Experiment

pretraining and finetuning GPT models with math symbols


GPT is known to be effective for causal language modeling. In this work, we present training results of GPT on mathematical symbols. There are two types of datasets and two configurations respecrtively.

We trained GPT models of three sizes.


version num layers num heads $d_{model}$
2 1 8 128
4 2 8 128
6 8 8 512


Version Digits (0~N) Modulo (2~N)
1 10 5
3 20 5

Training Configuration

# training configuration # variants = 1000 / 5000 / 10000 for model sizes respectively. "num_train_epochs": variants, "eval_steps": 1_000, "batch_size":32, "learning_rate":5e-4, "gradient_accumulation_steps":1, "weight_decay":0.1, "num_warmup_steps":1_000,

Math Symbol Prediction

Domain Prediction
