
What do I know about causality?


Structure Causal Model

Consider two sets of random variables $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{U}$,a Structure Causal Model is a tuple $M:= (\mathcal{F}, P(U))$, where $\mathcal{F}$ comprises a set of $d$ structural equations $f_i$, one for each endogenous random variable, $X_i \in \mathbf{X}$, $\mathcal{F}= \{X_i := f_i (PA(X_i), U_i)\}_{i=1}^d$ where $PA(X_i) \subset \mathbf{X} \setminus \{X_i\}$,an exogenous noise variable $U_i \in \mathbf{U}$, and $P(\mathbf{U})$ is a strictly positive over the exogenous variable.


Changing at least one of the structural equations

\[\textit{do}(X_k := \tilde{f}_k (\tilde{PA}(X_k), \tilde{U_k}))\]

This operation defines a new SCM $\tilde{M}$ whose entailed distribution is called the intervention distribution

\[P_{\tilde{\mathcal{M}}}(\mathbf{X}) = P_{\mathcal{M}}\Big(\mathbf{X}\vert \textit{do}(X_k:= \tilde{f}_k (\tilde{PA}(X_k), \tilde{U_k}))\Big)\]


Note that the endogenous variables are mostly determined after the exogenous variables. The counterfactual analysis assumes that the result $y$ is obtained with a causal mechanism and asks the question what would have happened if the endogenous variable $X$ had been changed while the exogenous variables are fixed. This analysis provides a deeper analysis on the treatment endogenous variable $X$. In summary, the intervention and the counterfactual have such a difference

  1. Intervention: Change the endogenous variable $X$ by changing the structure equation. This is mostly conducted by the intervention.
  2. Counterfactual: Given the result $Y=y$ and the realization of exogenous variables $U$, intervene the endogenous variable to provide a counterfactual controlled experiment.
Three-step procedure for the counterfactual reasoning.
1. Abduction: Update the knowledge of the exogenous variables.
2. Action: Intervene the targeted endogenous variable
3. Reasoning: Get the prediction.

Given an SCM $\mathcal{M}$ and some factual realization $y$ of $\mathbf{Y} \subset \mathbf{X}$, we obtain the posterior distribution of exogenous variable, $P_{U \vert Y=y}$. It defines a new SCM $\mathcal{M}^{ā€˜}$, where \(P_{\mathcal{M}^{'}}(\mathbf{U}) = P_{\mathcal{M}^{'}}(\mathbf{U} \vert \mathbf{Y}=y)\). Counterfactual includes also an additional intervention.

\[P_{\mathcal{M}}^{Y=y}\Big(\mathbf{X}| \textit{do}(X_k := \tilde{f}_k (\tilde{PA}(X_k), \tilde{U_k})\Big)\]


Note that model identifiability implies intervention and counterfactual identifiability.

Classes of SCM

Bijective Generation Mechanisms

Deep Structural Causal Models (Neural Causal Models)

Classes of DGM

Invertible Explicit

Amortised Explicit

Amortised Implicit

Causal Estimation of Memorization Profiles

Some definitions in the work (Lesci et al., 2024), which is achieved ACL 2024 best paper. I track the definitions related to causality.

This work defines memorization as ā€œthe causal effect of observing an instance during training on a modelā€™s ability to correctly predict that instanceā€. As such the authors use the log likelihood as a performance measure of an instance $x$. Memorization profile is a modelā€™s memorization of training batches over the course of training.

Given dataset $\mathcal{D} = { x_n }_{n=1}^N$ whose instances $x$ are sequences drawn from a target distribution $p(x)$, at each iteration $T$, we obtain a new model checkpoint $\mathbf{\theta}_t$ with batch $\mathcal{B}_t$. Let $g \in { 1,2, \cdots, T } \cup { \infty } $ be the timestep. The authors denote $g = \infty$ a batch composed of instances that are not used for the training and which form a validation set.
The act of training on $x$ defines the treatment, while the modelā€™s ability to predict an instance defines the outcome. The authors define

  • Treatment assignment variable $G(x)$ to denote the step $g$ an instance is trained on.
  • Outcome variable $Y_c(x) = \gamma (\theta_c, x) = \log p_{\theta_c} (x)$

Definition 1: The potential outcome of an instance $x$ at timestep $x$ under treatment assignment $g$, denoted as $Y_c(x;g)$, is the value that the outcome would have taken if $G(x)$ was equal to $g$.

Note: this evaluate the $x$ at $c$ when $x$ was trained at $g$.

Definition 2: Counterfactual memorization is the causal effect of using instance $x$ for training at the observed timestep $G(x)=g$ on the modelā€™s performance on this same instance at timestep $c$.

\[\tau_{x,c} = Y_c(x;g) - Y_c(x; \infty)\]

Note: this evaluate the $x$ at $c$ when (1) $x$ was trained at $g$ and (2) is never used in the training.


Assumption 1 : Instances $x$ are independently and identically distributed, following $p(x)$, and are randomly assigned to treatment group $g$.

Under this assumption, we have

\[p(x|G(x) = g) = p(x|G(x) = \infty) = p(x)\]

Assumption 2: In the absence of training, the expected change in model performance across checkpoints would be the same regardless of treatment. That is, for all $c,cā€™ \ge g -1$,

\[\mathbb{E}_x [Y_c(x;\infty) - Y_{c'}(x;\infty) \vert G(x) = g] = \mathbb{E}_x [Y_c(x;\infty) - Y_{c'}(x;\infty) \vert G(x) = \infty]\]

Assumption 3: Training has no effect before it happens. That is, for all $c < g$:

\[\mathbb{E}_x [Y_c(x; g) \vert G(x) = g] = \mathbb{E}_x [Y_c(x;\infty) \vert G(x) = g]\]


Definition 3: Expected Counterfactual memorization is the average causal effect of using instances for training at timestep $g$ on the modelā€™s performance on these same instances at timestep $c$:

\[\tau_{g,c} = \mathbb{E}_{x} \Big[ Y_c(x;g) - Y_c(x; \infty) \vert G(x) = g \Big]\]

Estimator 1 : The difference estimator, defined as:

\[\hat{\tau}_{g,c}^{\operatorname{diff}} = \bar{Y}_c(g) - \bar{Y}_c({\infty})\]

E1 is an unbiased estimator of $\tau_{g,c}$ under Assumption 1. Usually, the meaning of unbiased is \(\mathbb{E}[\hat{\tau}] = \frac{1}{K} \sum_{i=1}^K \hat{\tau}_i = \tau\)

but, in this setting, the average is over the instances:

\[\mathbb{E}[\hat{\tau}] = \mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{B}_g, \mathcal{B}_\infty} [\hat{\tau}_{g,c}] = \tau\]

Estimator 2 : The difference-in-differences estimator (DiD), defined as:

\[\hat{\tau}_{g,c}^{\operatorname{did}} = \Big( \bar{Y}_c(g) - \bar{Y}_{g-1}(g) \Big) - \Big( \bar{Y}_c(\infty) - \bar{Y}_{g-1}(\infty) \Big)\]

where \(\bar{Y}_c(g) = \frac{1}{\vert \mathcal{B}_g \vert} \sum_{x\in \mathcal{B}_g} Y_c(x)\)


[1] Learning Structural Causal Models through Deep Generative Models: Methods, Guarantees, and Challenges