Probing Neurons with CLIP Concepts

pipeline for probing


Inspection of a complex deep neural network requires a special method. Numerous neurons in the model output signals and identification of the role of the neurons can be done with correlation analysis, that is, if a neuron exhibits positive signals with images of a specific concept, we can say at least the neuron has the conceptual feature. Some might say that the relation is a spurious correlation between the neuron and the concept, but at least we can say there is a positive correlation. An automatic way to conduct this correlation analysis is probing, which learns a simple classification or regression model that inputs an activation of a neuron and outputs a concept. If the probing classifier has a good test accuracy. Then, we can say that some neurons connected to the classifier have positive correlation. To train probing classifiers, we need specifically designed training dataset and testing dataset. This post describes components required to train probing classifiers; dataset construction, experiments, and results of probing.


In the task of image classification, labels of images are provided, and we say concepts for the unlabeled features in images. For example, apple images might have a red color concept, and zebra images might have a striped pattern concept. This intuition requires the identification of concepts in images and these methods are mostly done manually by annotators. However, obtaining such images for this simple work is improper and we use an automatic way of obtaining concepts. We use the CLIP model, which computes image-text similarity. CLIP model is a zero-shot classifier that does not require additional training for matching image-concept. We obtain concept probabilities by computing the normalized cosine similarities between an image and concept labels. In this work, we use three concept groups:

To find a proper concept, we use the label of the form โ€œThis image has a concept: <concept>โ€ instead of a single word <concept>.

We compute all the normalized probabilities for 50,000 images in the ImageNet1K validation set. We sort the images with the likelihoods for concepts respectively and select 100 upper images for the positive samples. The negative samples are random 200 images in the excluded set of positive samples. Although it is unclear how to sample, and how much to sample negative samples, we believe random 200 samples are enough to present the probing classifiers.

Here are 20 images from the first to 100th image with step size 5.

Red Concept Blue Concept Green Concept Yellow Concept
Dotted Concept Striped Concept Zigzagged Concept
Female Concept Male Concept


Trained Model

Probing classifiers are for the identification of neurons which are already trained. For the trained neurons, we use a reproduced MobileNetV2 trained on IamgeNet1K with 1~300 checkpoints. The training script is followed by the recipe in torchvision. We used a single A100 GPU and the progress can be found in the W&B report.

Probing Classifier

Probing classifiers can be categorized by linearity. A linear probing classifier directly learns to map activation of neurons to concepts, while a non-linear probing classifier learns the non-linear interaction between activations to verify the relationship between neurons. Following the work we use ReLU architecture for nonlinear probing classifiers.

Additional consideration is the choice of neurons in CNN models. We can directly map the receptive field of CNN outputs or reduce them to make a single scalar in a channel. We separate these two cases as โ€œgapโ€ and โ€œnon-gapโ€ which indicates the global average pooled representation or not.


All the results provided in this section are test accuracy of $30\%$ of the positive and negative samples. We report two types of results: what-where-when plot which shows the progress of concept emergence over training epochs and modules for each concept and test accuracies of "linear-gap", "non_linear-gap" and "non_linear-non_gap"

What-Where-When Plot


We observe that the when (training epoch) has no difference for the test accuracy. We double checked the code, but the results are same. Therefore, we could not clearly say about the when part now.

๐Ÿ–๏ธ Linear-GAP

๐Ÿ–๏ธ Non-Linear-None-GAP

Tables (Test Acc)

Color Concepts


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.862 0.919 0.981
module:1 0.990 0.990 0.986
module:2 0.910 0.929 0.981
module:3 0.910 0.929 0.981
module:4 0.924 0.919 0.981
module:5 0.919 0.919 0.971
module:6 0.929 0.929 0.962
module:7 0.933 0.952 0.981
module:8 0.924 0.971 0.971
module:9 0.929 0.976 0.962
module:10 0.929 0.976 0.962
module:11 0.938 0.981 0.952
module:12 0.938 0.976 0.967
module:13 0.948 0.976 0.967
module:14 0.971 0.986 0.971
module:15 0.981 0.990 0.976
module:16 0.981 0.986 0.971
module:17 0.990 0.990 0.986
module:18 0.990 0.990 0.981


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.686 0.829 0.971
module:1 0.962 0.981 0.971
module:2 0.748 0.838 0.957
module:3 0.743 0.876 0.957
module:4 0.790 0.871 0.952
module:5 0.829 0.871 0.952
module:6 0.824 0.886 0.952
module:7 0.852 0.895 0.957
module:8 0.848 0.919 0.962
module:9 0.824 0.919 0.957
module:10 0.810 0.938 0.967
module:11 0.843 0.957 0.952
module:12 0.852 0.938 0.957
module:13 0.876 0.948 0.962
module:14 0.876 0.976 0.971
module:15 0.848 0.967 0.962
module:16 0.881 0.971 0.962
module:17 0.962 0.981 0.971
module:18 0.962 0.967 0.957


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.671 0.881 0.962
module:1 0.962 0.981 0.981
module:2 0.852 0.910 0.938
module:3 0.862 0.895 0.952
module:4 0.876 0.924 0.967
module:5 0.886 0.938 0.962
module:6 0.890 0.948 0.967
module:7 0.919 0.943 0.981
module:8 0.919 0.933 0.948
module:9 0.895 0.948 0.952
module:10 0.881 0.962 0.952
module:11 0.900 0.957 0.976
module:12 0.914 0.943 0.967
module:13 0.910 0.962 0.933
module:14 0.929 0.967 0.981
module:15 0.905 0.962 0.948
module:16 0.914 0.967 0.967
module:17 0.962 0.967 0.967
module:18 0.962 0.981 0.943


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.757 0.819 0.948
module:1 0.976 0.981 0.962
module:2 0.800 0.829 0.933
module:3 0.805 0.810 0.933
module:4 0.819 0.819 0.924
module:5 0.814 0.843 0.933
module:6 0.833 0.838 0.924
module:7 0.824 0.833 0.943
module:8 0.829 0.852 0.933
module:9 0.843 0.886 0.933
module:10 0.857 0.886 0.943
module:11 0.814 0.919 0.919
module:12 0.857 0.905 0.924
module:13 0.848 0.905 0.910
module:14 0.919 0.981 0.952
module:15 0.933 0.962 0.952
module:16 0.933 0.976 0.933
module:17 0.971 0.957 0.962
module:18 0.976 0.981 0.962

Pattern Concepts


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.667 0.671 0.890
module:1 0.995 1.000 0.995
module:2 0.800 0.800 0.933
module:3 0.805 0.810 0.924
module:4 0.838 0.871 0.952
module:5 0.838 0.862 0.948
module:6 0.843 0.886 0.924
module:7 0.890 0.943 0.957
module:8 0.900 0.914 0.971
module:9 0.914 0.938 0.962
module:10 0.910 0.957 0.957
module:11 0.905 0.952 0.967
module:12 0.905 0.967 0.976
module:13 0.938 0.976 0.948
module:14 0.957 0.986 0.990
module:15 0.976 0.990 0.986
module:16 0.995 1.000 0.990
module:17 0.995 0.990 0.990
module:18 0.990 1.000 0.995


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.667 0.676 0.900
module:1 0.981 0.986 0.976
module:2 0.714 0.719 0.914
module:3 0.705 0.743 0.895
module:4 0.786 0.795 0.929
module:5 0.800 0.795 0.905
module:6 0.795 0.800 0.919
module:7 0.814 0.857 0.924
module:8 0.814 0.886 0.933
module:9 0.843 0.886 0.938
module:10 0.833 0.905 0.943
module:11 0.871 0.933 0.943
module:12 0.886 0.938 0.943
module:13 0.890 0.938 0.957
module:14 0.924 0.952 0.948
module:15 0.914 0.952 0.957
module:16 0.938 0.957 0.976
module:17 0.971 0.986 0.976
module:18 0.981 0.976 0.957


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.667 0.695 0.905
module:1 0.976 0.995 0.995
module:2 0.719 0.767 0.933
module:3 0.724 0.748 0.952
module:4 0.757 0.867 0.976
module:5 0.781 0.867 0.981
module:6 0.790 0.881 0.976
module:7 0.838 0.929 0.971
module:8 0.852 0.924 0.995
module:9 0.795 0.929 0.990
module:10 0.752 0.952 0.976
module:11 0.767 0.952 0.995
module:12 0.805 0.962 0.990
module:13 0.848 0.967 0.995
module:14 0.833 0.986 0.995
module:15 0.905 0.986 0.995
module:16 0.924 0.986 0.995
module:17 0.933 0.990 0.995
module:18 0.976 0.995 0.995

Gender Concepts


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.681 0.733 0.943
module:1 0.976 0.981 0.971
module:2 0.781 0.824 0.924
module:3 0.810 0.824 0.943
module:4 0.829 0.838 0.929
module:5 0.871 0.824 0.933
module:6 0.876 0.838 0.943
module:7 0.871 0.881 0.938
module:8 0.876 0.900 0.943
module:9 0.867 0.914 0.943
module:10 0.881 0.952 0.957
module:11 0.886 0.933 0.943
module:12 0.890 0.943 0.943
module:13 0.895 0.938 0.952
module:14 0.924 0.962 0.952
module:15 0.938 0.952 0.967
module:16 0.948 0.971 0.962
module:17 0.976 0.981 0.971
module:18 0.971 0.967 0.967


layer linear_gap non_linear_gap non_linear_non_gap
module:0 0.667 0.686 0.848
module:1 0.938 0.938 0.952
module:2 0.724 0.729 0.881
module:3 0.752 0.729 0.914
module:4 0.724 0.752 0.881
module:5 0.729 0.757 0.886
module:6 0.729 0.767 0.886
module:7 0.757 0.810 0.905
module:8 0.771 0.852 0.895
module:9 0.776 0.852 0.895
module:10 0.776 0.848 0.890
module:11 0.800 0.843 0.905
module:12 0.814 0.843 0.886
module:13 0.833 0.910 0.914
module:14 0.843 0.933 0.924
module:15 0.852 0.938 0.910
module:16 0.895 0.929 0.929
module:17 0.938 0.938 0.952
module:18 0.929 0.929 0.943


This work shows how to construct probing dataset from CLIP and how to evaluate several probing models over all layers. We believe that our work can help readers to understand the overall pipeline of probing classifiers.