Cooperative Multi-Robot Task Allocation with Reinforcement Learning

Bumjin Park, Cheongwoong Kang, and Jaesik Choi

Journal: Applied Sciences 12.1 (2021): 272

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Problem Definition

Consider ten rooms of different sizes in a building with five robot vacuum cleaners ready at the battery-charging machine. In this setting, we want to allocate robots to rooms such that all rooms are cleaned and the total elapsed time is minimized. If we consider all possible allocations, there are $5 \cdot (10!)$ possibilities that we have to consider for robots and permutations for ten rooms. This problem is an NP-hard problem, and finding an optimal solution takes a long time.
However, instead of static allocation of robots, we can formulate it as a sequence of decision makings, that is, a Markov Decision Process (MDP). We want to allocate robots (actions) whenever there are ready robots during cleaning. Therefore, we formulate the problem hierarchically where the inner-environment is acting of robots and the outer-environment is handles an allocation of robots. This technique could be understood as temporal abstraction .

Greedy Algorithm is not optimal

To solve this sequential allocation problem, one traditional algorithm would be a greedy algorithm. The Figure below shows an example where there are two tasks $T_1, T_2$ and robots $R_1, R_2$. When we allocate robots based on the workload size, robot $R_2$ must travel long distance to work on $T_1$, and must return back to $T_2$ for the next work. Therefore, in this case distance based greedy allocation is better than workload based allocation.

Allocation Performance

The Multi-robot Allocation problem is NP-hard problem and the traditional algorithm can not directly solve it. The traditional allocation solutions firstly generate a population of solutions and gradually update the solution for a given problem. Note that this task is not generalization problem, but rather finding the better solution with a limited time. For example, given a single allocation problem, find the best allocation way in 3500 seconds. This process requires 1) solution generation and 2) solution evaluation . The Figure below shows the makespan (time duration to finish the problem, smaller is better. )

Transformer-based Architecture

Now, I will describe the transformer-based architecture for allocation problem. The settings are as follows In ths experiment, we used PPO algorithm to train the architecture.


If we visualize the allocation sequence for 5 robots and 50 tasks, the allocation does look optimal for human eyes. Even though the RL result has better performance than traditional methods, better representations for allocation must be developed.


Park, Bumjin, Cheongwoong Kang, and Jaesik Choi. "Cooperative multi-robot task allocation with reinforcement learning." Applied Sciences 12.1 (2021): 272.


  title={Cooperative multi-robot task allocation with reinforcement learning},
  author={Park, Bumjin and Kang, Cheongwoong and Choi, Jaesik},
  journal={Applied Sciences},