๐Ÿ“ Collection of Studies

Review on "Multilevel Interpretability Of Artificial Neural Networks"

Lessons from neuroscience

Bumjin Park

Review on "In-context Vectors: Making In Context Learning More Effective and Controllable Through Latent Space Steering"

How to steer hidden representation in GPT.

Bumjin Park

Review on "What needs to go right for an induction head? A mechanistic study of in-context learning circuits and their formation"

The emergence of induction heads in training GPT.

Bumjin Park

Review on "The Files are in the Computer: Copyright, Memorization, and Generative-AI Systems"

Copyright is one of the most important issues in the realm of generative AI.

Bumjin Park

Review on Explicit Memory for Language Modeling ($\text{Memory}^3$)

Literature reviews for memory architecture in neural networks

Bumjin Park

Review on dictionary learning for mechanistic interpretability in ICML 2024

Literature reviews on ICML 2024 mechanistic interpretability workshop oral and spotlight papers.

Bumjin Park

Review on causality for mechanistic interpretability in ICML 2024

Literature reviews on ICML 2024 mechanistic interpretability workshop oral and spotlight papers.

Bumjin Park